Treating Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy - Article
SMART Goals for Pain Management
Specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and time-based goal layout for pain management. Track progress and ensure being on the same page with patients.
Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Guidelines (Ontario and Canada)
Health Quality Ontario standards for opioid prescribing, opioid use disorder, osteoarthritis, low back pain. Clinical practice gudelines for chronic non-cancer pain (Michael G. DeGroote) and opioid use disorder (CRISM)
Managing Opioid Use Disorder - Opioids Clinical Primer (machealth)
3 didactic courses - Treating Opioid Use Disorder (OUD): Initiating Buprenorphine in Primary Care, ED and Inpatient Settings; Managing Patients with OUD in Primary Care with Buprenorphine; OUD in Primary Care: Principles of Assessment and Management
Managing Chronic Pain - Opioids Clinical Primer (machealth)
2 didactic courses - Strategies for Managing Chronic Pain: Moving Beyond Opioids; Safer Opioid Prescribing Strategies
Buprenorphine Reference Guide - Opioids Clinical Primer
Overview of pharmacology; guidance for initiation, dosing, managing and writing prescriptions; and the role of urine drug testing. Withdrawal scales, patient handouts, order set templates and more!
Deprescribing Portal
What medications were good then might not be the best choice now. Deprescribing is the planned process of reducing or stopping medications that may no longer be of benefit or may be causing harm. The goal is to reduce medication burden or harm while improving quality of life. contains a smartphone app, research, and tools.
SwitchRx: The Online Switching Medication Tool
Aims to provide the most current and useful information to guide their clinical practice when adjusting their patient's psychotropic treatment regimens. This resource features suggested tapering and titration schedules, clinical tips, detailed information on drug pharmacokinetics, and other precautions. Register or login to get full access to our switching tools.
Deprescribing resource for healthcare professionals and their patients
Beers Criteria
A compendium of medications to potentially avoid or consider with caution because they often present an unfavorable balance of benefits and harms for older adults.
Comparing Treatment Options for Pain: The C-TOP Tool
This calculator shows the potential benefits and possible harms associated with different treatments for pain. Additionally, it highlights key things to consider when choosing treatment, including the most common side effects or cost.
Management of Neurogenic Bowel for Adults with Spinal Cord Injuries
Educational resource with management flowchart