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Treating Pain in Patients Undergoing Addictions Therapy



+ Roll Call

5 Minutes


+ Q&A

30 Minutes



45 Minutes

Wrap Up

+ Final Announcements

5 Minutes

Between Talk & Case there will be a Movement/Stretch Break

Note that speaker, case presenter, and/or hub member availability are factors determining if a session begins with the talk or the case. The case and talk shown above are in no particular order.


Simon Wells, MD, FRCPC

Case Discussion

Mark Halabecki, SW


Join The Session

Sessions open fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

Password: boreal

Session Resources

• Provider Resources - MetaPhi

• Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Pain Pamphlet - MetaPhi

• Opioid Manager - Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre

• Primary Care Management of Substance Use - MetaPhi

• Opioid Wisely - Choosing Wisely Canada

• Chronic Pain Management: A Toolkit for Physiotherapists - Physiotherapy Alberta

• Scope of Pain - Boston University

Jen’s Corner:

• Forebrain-Midbrain Circuits and Peptides Involved in Hyperalgesia After Chronic Alcohol Exposure - Gilpin et al. (2021)

• Alcoholic Neuropathy: Possible Mechanisms and Future Treatment Possibilities - Chopra & Tiwari (2012)

• Recovery Model of Mental Illness: A Complementary Approach to Psychiatric Care - Jacob, K.S. (2015)

• Guidelines for Recovery-Oriented Practice - Mental Health Commission of Canada (2015)

• The Role of Guilt in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Bub & Lommen (2017)

• Trauma-Related Guilt in People with PTSD - Verywell Mind

November 24

Alternatives to Opioids for Acute Pain

December 8

Let’s Talk Cannabis…