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New Concepts in Evaluating Chronic Pain - Stephanie Frisch, NP

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Session Resources

ICD 11 - Chronic Primary Pain

Central Sensitization Inventory (Questionnaire)

About the Central Sensitization Inventory - Physiopedia

Recommended resources from the didactic presentation:

Vulvodynia Toolkit

Management of chronic low back, osteoarthritic, and neuropathic pain in primary care - PEER Simplified Chronic Pain Guideline

Guideline No. 445: Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain (abstract only, behind paywall) - SOGC

Resources from case discussion:

Aaron, R. V., Fisher, E. A., de la Vega, R., Lumley, M. A., & Palermo, T. M. (2019). Alexithymia in individuals with chronic pain and its relation to pain intensity, physical interference, depression, and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain, 160(5), 994–1006.

What is menstrual leave and which countries in the world have it? - Free Periods Canada

July 31

I'm in Pain, is it Time for Surgery? - Claude Cullinan, MD

September 4

Pain Assessment Strategies - Daniel James, MD