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Movement Approaches to Arthritis Pain - Mandy McGlynn, PT

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Session Resources

McMurray's Test - PhysioPedia

McMurray Test - Life in the Fastlane Blog

Thessaly Test - PhysioPedia

Ohashi, Y., Uchida, K., Fukushima, K., Inoue, G., & Takaso, M. (2023). Mechanisms of Peripheral and Central Sensitization in Osteoarthritis PainCureus15(2), e35331.

2019 Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee - American College of Rheumatology

Caneiro, J. P., O'Sullivan, P. B., Roos, E. M., Smith, A. J., Choong, P., Dowsey, M., Hunter, D. J., Kemp, J., Rodriguez, J., Lohmander, S., Bunzli, S., & Barton, C. J. (2020). Three steps to changing the narrative about knee osteoarthritis care: a call to action. British journal of sports medicine, 54(5), 256–258.

July 17

Updates in the Management of Osteoarthritis - Stephanie Frisch, NP

July 31

I'm in Pain, is it Time for Surgery? - Claude Cullinan, MD