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Session Resources
Our Voices, Our Stories (patient stories) - Wounds Canada (This initiative is led by today's speaker, Dr. Ide Costa of Lakehead University's School of Nursing)
Best practice recommendations - Wounds Canada
Krasner, Diane L. PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAWC, MAPWCA. Seven Strategies for Optimizing End-of-Life Skin and Wound Care. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 35(9):p 515-519, September 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000852572.29103.61
Woo, Kevin Y. PhD, RN, ACNP, GNC(C), FAPWCA; Krasner, Diane L. PhD, RN, CWCN, CWS, MAPWCA, FAAN; Kennedy, Bruce BSc (Pharm), MBA; Wardle, David BSc; Moir, Olivia. Palliative Wound Care Management Strategies for Palliative Patients and Their Circles of Care. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 28(3):p 130-140, March 2015. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000461116.13218.43
Sezgin, D., Geraghty, J., Graham, T., Blomberg, K., Charnley, K., Dobbs, S., McElvaney, A., Probst, S., Beeckman, D., Grocott, P., & Gethin, G. (2023). Defining palliative wound care: A scoping review by European Association for Palliative Care wound care taskforce. Journal of tissue viability, 32(4), 627–634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtv.2023.07.002