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Cancer Survivorship & Pain: Part 2 - Jodi Steele, Reg PT

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Session Resources

Smith, A. M., Leeming, A., Fang, Z., Hatchard, T., Mioduszewski, O., Schneider, M. A., Ferdossifard, A., Shergill, Y., Khoo, E. L., & Poulin, P. (2021). Mindfulness-based stress reduction alters brain activity for breast cancer survivors with chronic neuropathic pain: preliminary evidence from resting-state fMRI. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice, 15(4), 518–525.

Lymphedema Workbook (2020 update) by Jodi Steele

June 5

Cancer Survivorship & Pain: Part 1 - Sharon McGee, MD, Ph.D

June 19

Chronic Post Surgical Pain - Ajit Rai, MD