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Hallucinogens & Pain - Dan James, MD, MA, FRCPC

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Session Resources

This is a local resource in Kingston who also has a partnership with St. Lawrence College: (link from chat)

Kratom -

Cavarra, M., Mason, N. L., Kuypers, K. P. C., Bonnelle, V., Smith, W. J., Feilding, A., Kryskow, P., & Ramaekers, J. G. (2024). Potential analgesic effects of psychedelics on select chronic pain conditions: A survey study. European journal of pain (London, England), 28(1), 153–165.

Schindler, E. A. D., & Hendricks, P. S. (2023). Adapting psychedelic medicine for headache and chronic pain disorders. Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 23(10), 867–882.

Schindler E. A. D. (2022). Psychedelics as preventive treatment in headache and chronic pain disorders. Neuropharmacology, 215, 109166.

Robinson, C. L., Fonseca, A. C. G., Diejomaoh, E. M., D'Souza, R. S., Schatman, M. E., Orhurhu, V., & Emerick, T. (2024). Scoping Review: The Role of Psychedelics in the Management of Chronic Pain. Journal of pain research, 17, 965–973.

Exploring Psilocybin in Canadian Palliative Care: Unveiling History, Definitions, and Legal Landscapes - Palliative Care ECHO (link from chat)

Lyes, M., Yang, K. H., Castellanos, J., & Furnish, T. (2023). Microdosing psilocybin for chronic pain: a case series. Pain, 164(4), 698–702.

Gonzales, S. A. B., Alexopoulos, C., & Arkfeld, D. G. (2024). Potential Benefits of Psilocybin for Lupus Pain: A Case Report. Current rheumatology reviews, 20(1), 97–99.

Kratom in sport: Enhancing performance naturally - Kratom Bird

Datura - Wikipedia

The International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd ed. - International Headache Society

Hemicrania Continua - Migraine & Headache Australia

March 13

Cannabis in the Context of Chronic Pain - Georges Gharib, BHSc, MD, CCFP

April 17

Hot Topics & Cutting Edge Therapies - Mark Halabecki, MSW, RSW, TITC-CT & Patricia Poulin, C.Psych